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The Yelling Dilemma: A New Stage in Toddler Development

Toddler Boy is yelling to get attention, to express excitement or to show frustration. Some might find it bearable but others cringe at the high-pitch screeches.  Currently, we have a very vocal 1.5 year old who is also learning to talk, share, run and assemble cool choo choo trains. So, what is a good strategy to get rid of these yelling spells? We are currently testing 2 techniques: Take away attention from the high-pitch screams (turning the other way) Saying 'ouch' while covering our ears. We all understand that this is a normal part of toddler development, as they're testing their lung capacity and finding new noises to make. But it is also our responsibility as parents or caregivers to teach these youngsters what is tolerable and what not. So far, I am the detracting attention advocate.  And I have to say, I see more results with this technique than by saying 'ouch' and making painful faces, which is the strategy used by the ot

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